Welcome! Please let us know you were visiting by using the online “Connect Card.” When you join us in person, please stop by our Welcome Center located in the Atrium to find out how you can get further connected in ministry at Friends.
Pray for our Missionaries:
Ruthanne & Nick Chadd – Josiah Venture
Danny Deloach – Papua New Guinea
M’Tambo Family/Maraan Academy – Malawi
Briggs & Jen Schuett – Slavic Village, Cle
Danny Deloach – Papua New Guinea
M’Tambo Family/Maraan Academy – Malawi
Briggs & Jen Schuett – Slavic Village, Cle
David & Courtney
Those serving in sensitive areas
Those serving in sensitive areas
General Budget 2023 (N. Olmsted)
$ 794,805.50
General Offerings 2023 (N. Olmsted)
$ 769,363.94
Generations of Faith Commitments
$ 794,805.50
General Offerings 2023 (N. Olmsted)
$ 769,363.94
Generations of Faith Commitments
$ 1,060,973.56
Generations of Faith Giving
$ 757,706.57
Generations of Faith Giving
$ 757,706.57
CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE // Near the FLC // Thank you for the overwhelming response to help the grandmother raising her daughter and 8 grandchildren. Please return the gifts wrapped by next Sunday, Dec. 22, and place them under the tree. We are still collecting gift cards for Walmart, Target and TJ Maxx to support Lorain County’s Clothe-a-Kid through LOVE INC. Please place the cards in the Christmas box next to the tree. For more information, please contact pastorrich@noefc.org.
CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY // Wednesday, Dec. 18 @ 6 pm, FLC // Celebrate the season with a night of fun, food, and games with your church family. Wear your ugliest Christmas sweater and bring 2 dozen Christmas cookies to share.
CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES // Tuesday, Dec. 24 @ 5 & 11 pm, North Olmsted; 7 pm, Elyria // Bring your family and friends as we join together and
“Behold… Christmas.”
“Behold… Christmas.”
SILVER FRIENDS CHRISTMAS LUNCH // Thursday, Dec. 12 @ 11:30 am, FLC // Seniors, wear your Christmas colors and invite your friends to lunch, great fellowship, and caroling with the CCS 8th graders. Suggested meal donation: $7. RSVP: “SF” on your Connect Card, theresa.stitt@noefc.org, or 440-779-9484 by noon Wednesday, Dec. 11.
HOPE AWAKES IN BETHLEHEM // Saturday, Dec. 14 @ 6:30 pm, Sanctuary // A musical for Christmas presented by our Adult and Children’s Choirs, featuring narration, scripture, classic carols, hymns, and new songs by Chris Tomlin and Michael W. Smith. Free and open to the public. A dessert reception will follow in the Family Life Center.
ELYRIA CHRISTMAS POTLUCK // Sunday, Dec. 15 @ 12:30 pm, Elyria Campus // Gather with our Elyria campus community as we break bread and celebrate the season together. RSVP to pastordavid@noefc.org if you plan to participate.
CHRISTMAS EVE OFFERING // This year our Christmas Eve offering will benefit three areas of ministry and outreach: Bless those in need through our Care to Share fund, assist children in our church with special needs by providing for the furnishing of a sensory room in the Kids Wing, and support Maraan Academy students and their families in Malawi.
SECRET SISTERS // Ladies, our popular Secret Sisters event is coming! Forms available at the Atrium table are due back by Jan. 5. Give completed forms to Raenette Biedka or place them in the basket in the Atrium. Receive your sister’s name on Jan. 12 after the service, and find ways to secretly bless her until the reveal luncheon on Mar. 16.
WHAT IF JESUS WAS SERIOUS ABOUT PRAYER? // Sundays in January @ 9:30 am, Conference Room // Led by Gina Glazer, this next book in Skye Jethani’s series will take a look at Christ’s instructions on how and why we should pray. Prayer is how we communicate most directly with God, so how can we relate to him more deeply as we pray? Sign up in the Atrium. Cost for book materials: $15.
FRIENDS 101 // Sundays in January @ 11 am, Conference Room // If you are considering becoming a member, or just want to learn more about the church and our denomination, Friends 101 is for you! Sign up in the Atrium today.
PRACTICING THE WAY // Wednesdays starting Jan. 8 @ 6:30 pm, FLC // Led by Gary Craun, “Practicing the Way” is an introduction to spiritual formation accessible to both beginners and lifelong followers of Jesus. Find theological substance, astute cultural insight, and practical wisdom for creating a Rule of Life in the modern age.
WEATHER CANCELLATION NOTICES // If it is necessary for us to adjust our schedule due to weather, we will provide notice by email, text message, and the church website at noefc.org. Make sure we have your contact information by completing your Connect Card! Text messages also require opt-in; if you haven’t opted in, text YES to 87447.