Where are you located? North Olmted Evangelical Friends Church is one church in two locations. We are located in North Olmsted (5665 Great Northern Blvd) and in Elyria (9300 W. Ridge Rd).
What does “one church, two locations” mean? We are one body of believers who are seeking to Love People to Life In Jesus Christ, we just happen to be in two seperate locations. Elyria Friends is a campus of North Olmsted Evangelical Friends Church and we are united in our vision and desire to grow the presence of the Gospel in our community. To read more about the campus and the process of the merger, visit
How many people attend? Currently about 275-300 people participate each Sunday in person between our two worship services at North Olmsted. At the Elyria Campus there are about 30-35 people from our youngest to oldest. In addition, about 50 people join our live stream each week.
What are you doing related to COVID? In line with recent health orders and CDC guidance, we no longer require face coverings inside the church building. We want to extend courtesy to those who choose to continue to wear a mask and distance.
We thank God for his protection and faithfulness toward our congregation during this challenging season, and we pray for his unity and love to shine through us as we move forward.
What should I expect when I attend? Visitors regularly let us know that they felt welcomed and found people to be friendly and helpful. We hope that’s your experience too! Feel free to stop by our Welcome Center to pick up a gift we have for you and to answer any questions you might have about our church.
How long will the service last? Worship services usually last about 60-70 minutes. We worship God through music, prayer, videos and teaching from the Bible.
What should I wear? We encourage you to be yourself. We have some who feel more comfortable dressed up and we have others who take a more relaxed approach.
I have been attending Friends and I like the church. What do I do next?
Attend an Event. One of the best ways to connect to others is through fun, no-pressure social events scheduled throughout the year. Even with COVID, we’re finding ways to connect with one another. Check out the calendar to see what’s happening!
Attend an Adult Discipleship Class. A variety of classes are offered during the week. Some are open to everyone, while others are part of our men’s or women’s groups. More are being added as we are able! Visit our Adult Discipleship page for more information about what’s being offered now.
Join a Home Growth Group. These small groups are designed to provide closer connections and support one another as we grow in our faith. Groups meet in homes and at the church. For more information, contact Pastor David Hoovler.
Attend our Welcome to Friends Class. Offered a few times every year, Welcome To Friends introduces you to who we are as a church. We discuss our history and doctrine as well as the importance of each individual’s role in accomplishing the vision of Friends. Everyone has a gift and can contribute to our ministry! This class is a prerequisite for church membership.
How do I find out what is going on? A number of ways – Check out the calendar or Virtual Bulletin on our website. Feel free to call (440.779.9484) or email ( the church office for more information as well. Make sure like us on Facebook to see even more of what’s going on!
Who are the “Friends”? The Religious Society of Friends (commonly known as Quakers) began in England in the 17th century. George Fox and others rediscovered the reality of Christ’s presence in every disciple and the wonder that he calls us “friends” (John 15:15). Today there are different groups of Friends; NOEFC is part of the Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region. For more information on our history, you are invited to attend our Welcome to Friends Class.
How often do you serve communion? We generally celebrate communion or “The Lord’s Supper” as a special time of worship approximately five or six times a year.
Do I have to be a member to participate? You can participate in most activities without being a member. We do require background checks for everyone working in our Children or Youth Discipleship Ministries.
How do I become a member at Friends? Formal membership at NOEFC is an important step of commitment, one that we take very seriously, as members help lead the church in setting ministry priorities. The steps to membership include:
- Know Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior as revealed in the Bible.
- Attend the Welcome to Friends class and be in agreement with the Evangelical Friends Church’s Faith and Practice.
- Meet with the Overseers Committee.
- Commit to partner with the church using your time, talents, and treasure.
Please contact the church office (440.779.9484) if you’re interested in pursuing membership!